According to Bloomberg, the nine investment firms that are currently keeping an eye on shares of Cameco Company (TSE: CCO) (NYSE: CCJ) have given the company’s stock a consensus rating of “buy.” In addition, within their respective publications, five equity research analysts have argued that investors should buy the stock. These analysts’ arguments can be found below. According to the consensus price target among analysts who have covered the company in the preceding year, the stock price is anticipated to trade at $42.67 per share over the next 12 months.
Several research analysts from various companies recently published a report containing their findings on the CCO share market. Bank of America increased its target price on Cameco shares from $42.00 to $47.00 in a report published on Tuesday, November 22. On Monday, October 17, the Canadian financial institution Scotiabank released a report stating that it had decreased its target price […]
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