Renewable energy: it’s where investors should be placing their attention when it comes to growth opportunities. However, it’s not as clear which renewable energy option will be the biggest opportunity.
Right now, there are two areas that Motley Fool investors should be focusing their attention: uranium and lithium. While lithium is needed for batteries powering these renewable sources, uranium is already in heavy use from nuclear reactors. So, which one should Motley Fool investors look to today? The case for uranium
There are over 450 nuclear reactors around the world today, and that number is growing. China is set to have 50 more reactors online in the coming years. And that’s one country alone. Other highly populated countries, such as India, are also set to create more reactors to have clean energy. And that leaves a huge demand for uranium.
But that demand may be finite. Uranium needs to be mined, […]
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