RHJ/iStock via Getty Images Published on the Value Lab 27/6/22
Global X Uranium ETF (NYSEARCA: URA ) is a good way to play a spot exposure on uranium and in turn to bet on nuclear energy. Nuclear energy has several advantages, including strategic ones, and the time may have finally come for nuclear to be given a more broad chance to make its low carbon contribution to our electricity system. With URA giving you decent spot exposure through Cameco Corporation ( CCJ ) as its main holding, and also benefiting from a lower expense ratio than with physical uranium trusts, we think it’s a decent investment at this point in time. Strategic Uranium
Electricite De France ( OTCPK:ECIFF ) is one of Europe’s most known producers of nuclear energy, with 70% of French energy coming from nuclear sources. Much like with our vaunted investment in Dassault Aviation ( OTCPK:DUAVF […]
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