In H1 2022, Energy Fuels sold just 18 tonnes of TREO for $0.45 million and it expects to recover only 300 to 450 tonnes of TREO in 2022.
Energy Fuels recently announced the purchase of a REE project in Brazil, but mining and shipping material from another continent doesn’t sound economically feasible.
The company has secured three new long-term sales contracts with U.S. nuclear utilities, which means that it could be getting ready to restart uranium production soon. However, Energy Fuels’ only uranium project with grades above 0.5% is Pinyon Plain and it has measured and indicated resources of just 2.4 million pounds. Looking for a helping hand in the market? Members of Bears and Resources get exclusive ideas and guidance to navigate any climate. Learn More » davidf/iStock via Getty Images Introduction It’s been over 6 months since I last covered Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE: UUUU […]
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